Saturday, 5 January 2013

Time flies!

Well, I am a bit embarrassed by how long it has been since I posted; this is the peril of getting a full-time job and moving house.

But, I'm back! I've just been looking through my old posts and it seems that I need to update a few of them now that I have finished, yes, finished, my city and guilds with the certificate to prove it. I also have a new workspace in our new house and I have made some progress on my challenges so there will be a few blog posts to follow.

Before that I want to share a few of the crafts that I have done recently.

Firstly: rag rugging.
This is my new passion, to add to the others.I received this book from the wedding list:

Rag Rug Making [Book]

And was keen to try rag rugging but needed something to get me started, so I went to a workshop at Sew Me Something  in Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Where I met a lot of very nice people, had a couple of glasses of wine, got Mr Jones to collect me and started a rag rug cushion panel which looked like this when I brought it home:
Rag rug cushion pannel

A couple of weeks later I was the proud owner of a prodder and bodger:

and my cushion panel looked like this:
Finished rag rug cushion
I am very proud of it. It was so enjoyable that I soon followed it up with a festive wreath:
Wreath in progress

and I even made another one for my parents. I am thinking that I will do a wall hanging next but need a direction to start me off. The downside is that I now can't throw any clothes out as they could be cut up and used so the charity shop is not doing as well out of me as it used to!

Secondly: I have been hemming trousers that I picked up in the sale.

Thirdly: I made these great presents for my parents:

An egg-box 360:
Joke present for my parents

and a magzine holder for my mum as I had bought her a Mollie Makes subscription for Christmas.
One side of magazine holder
Other side of the magazine holder

That's all for now folks. My mission for today is to take photos of my C&G folder to upload onto here.

Mrs Jones

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