Sunday, 24 June 2012

Getting into embroidery

Well after the success of my machine embroidered poppy, I decided to have a go at a hand embroidered one. I found this book at a car boot:

And started out with some chain stitch. It was relatively easy and I followed it with some cross stitch, basic running stitch and leaf stitch. I was relatively pleased with the results.

I enjoyed doing it so much that I decided to follow it up with some more little embroideries:

I particularly like her hair

Obviously this is a work in progress!

which will hopefully be framed and added to my etsy shop.

In between doing this I have been working on a larger embroidery that I picked up while on holiday in Iceland- a great project that is easy to pick up and put down!

As it is shown on the packaging

The flowers on one side
The flowers on the other side
So far!

But, these have meant that I have been neglecting my life-long cross stitch project!

How it will eventually look

So far!

I started this project when I was 15 and it was intended to be finished for the birth of my cousin. She is now 12, wouldn't really appreciate it any more, but I still pick it up from time to time and would love for it to be finished by the time Mr Jones and I have our own children (date unknown!!). I just find cross stitch a pain though because there is so much counting involved (you wouldn't believe that I am a Maths graduate!) and embroidery is so much more free even if you are following a pattern of sorts.

Lots of love,

Mrs Jones

Friday, 8 June 2012

Style Africa

As we have just had a four day weekend, Mr Jones and I thought that we should go on a day out. Mr Jones has been wanting to go to the museum in Birmingham and hasn't had the opportunity so we made a day of it on Monday. The weather had perked up from Sunday's horrible rain and we even managed a picnic outside while watching a live band in the square. There were a lot of events on for the Diamond Jubilee but it didn't seem excessively busy.

The museum had a Style Africa exhibition on which showed different fabrics from around Africa. The patterns were amazing and I have put some photos below:

Patchwork style

Lovely pattern


Printed banners


4 different patterns

Some black and white patterns

Hexagon resists

With resists

Mrs Jones